(;) Semicolon Math

Semicolon Math Round 3 [Farewell, for now!]

The contest is over, but you can view and submit the problems unofficially.

Note on announcements /

View scoreboard /

Problem 1 (u) /

Problem 2 (u) /

Problem 3 (u) /

Problem 4 (u) /

Problem 5 (u) /

Problem 6 (u) /

Note 's' means solved and 'u' means unsolved.

Note on announcements

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Announcements are available on our Discord server.

They will only be regarding technical issues.

We will post fixes to any problems AFTER the contest has finished, to make it fair to everyone. The fixes will be available in the problem statements.

Tip: After submitting an answer, please wait for at least 15 seconds for the website to load and return your verdict. DO NOT refresh the page.

Problem 1: Counting Stars

Problem status: not solved

Value (if solved during a running contest): 100

Suppose there is a circle with \(15\) evenly spaced points numbered from \(1\) to \(15\) in clockwise order. A star is defined as a sequence five numbers \(a_1, a_2, a_3,a_4,a_5\) with \(a_1 < a_4 < a_2 < a_5 < a_3, 1 \le a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_5 \le 15\) and \(\min(|a_{i + 1} - a_i|, 15 - |a_{i + 1}-a_i|) \ge 2\) for integers \(i\) with \(1\le i \le 5.\) (Let \(a_6 = a_1\).)

Find the number of possible stars.

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Problem 2: Star in a hexagon

Problem status: not solved

Value (if solved during a running contest): 100

Let \(ABCDEF\) be a regular hexagon with side length \(1.\) Let \(G\) be the intersection of \(AC\) and \(BF,\) \(H\) be the intersection of \(AC\) and \(BE,\) \(I\) be the intersection of \(CF\) and \(BE,\) \(J\) be the intersection of \(CF\) and \(AE,\) and \(K\) be the intersection of \(AE\) and \(BF.\) The area of \(AGBHCIEJFK\) can be expressed in form \(\frac{a\sqrt{b}}{c}\) where \(a\) and \(c\) are relatively prime and \(b\) is not divisible by the square of any prime. Find \(a+b+c.\)
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Problem 3: Number of distinct y-coordinates

Problem status: not solved

Value (if solved during a running contest): 200

Let \(A_1 = (0,0), A_2=(1,0), A_3=(2,0), A_4=(3,0),A_5=(4,0)\) and \(B_1 = (0,1), B_2=(1,1), B_3=(2,1), B_4=(3,1),B_5=(4,1).\) Let \(L\) be the set of line segments \(A_iB_j\) where \(i\) and \(j\) are integers with \(1 \le i, j \le 5.\) (\(i\) and \(j\) do not need to be distinct.) Let \(S\) be the set of points in the interior of rectangle \(A_1A_5B_5B_1\) that are the intersection of two distinct line segments in \(L.\)

Of all the points in \(S,\) how many different \(y\)-coordinates are there? If two points have the same \(y\)-coordinate, then that \(y\)-coordinate should only be counted once.

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Problem 4: Nonstandard Dice

Problem status: not solved

Value (if solved during a running contest): 250

Let \(B\) be the set of (distinct) unordered pairs of fair 16-sided dice with a positive integer written on each face such that the likelihood that the roll a sum of \(k\) is the same as the likelihood of rolling a sum of \(k\) in a pair of fair standard 16-sided dice with faces numbered 1-16, for all \(2 \le k \le 32\). Each element of \(B\) can be represented as an unordered pair of 16-tuples.

Let \(y\) be the maximum difference between the max value of one die with the max value of the other die in any given pair of dice in \(B\).

Find \(|B|y\).

For instance, if we had the same problem but with fair 6-sided die, then \begin{align*} B = \{\{(1,2,3,4,5,6), (1,2,3,4,5,6)\}, \\ \{(1,2,2,3,3,4), (1,3,4,5,6,8)\}\} \end{align*} where the 6-tuple \((1,2,2,3,3,4)\) represents a cube with faces labeled 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, and 4. So \(|B| = 2\) and \(y = \max(8 - 4, 6- 6) = 4\) in this case.

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Problem 5: Counting trapezoids

Problem status: not solved

Value (if solved during a running contest): 300

Let \(A_1 = (0,0), A_2=(1,0), A_3=(2,0), A_4=(3,0)\) and \(B_1 = (0,1), B_2=(1,1), B_3=(2,1), B_4=(3,1).\) Let \(L\) be the set of line segments \(A_iB_j\) where \(i\) and \(j\) are integers with \(1 \le i, j \le 4.\) (\(i\) and \(j\) do not need to be distinct.) Let \(S\) be the set of points in the interior of rectangle \(A_1A_4B_4B_1\) that are the intersection of two distinct line segments in \(L.\)

Find the number of ways to choose points \(A_i,A_j,P_1\) and \(P_2,\) where \(i\) and \(j\) are integers with \(1 \le i < j \le 4,\) \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) are points in \(S\) (the order of \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) does not matter), and \(A_iP_1P_2A_j\) forms a trapezoid with \(P_1P_2 \parallel A_iA_j.\)

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Problem 6: Octahedron Rotation

Problem status: not solved

Value (if solved during a running contest): 350

Due to an error, everyone will receive free points for this problem.

An octahedron has vertices at \((\pm 1, 0,0)\), \((0, \pm 1, 0)\), and \((0,0 \pm 1)\). The notation \((\pm 1, 0, 0)\) represents both points \((1,0,0)\) and \((-1,0,0)\). It is rotated about the line \(x = y = z\) by \(120\) degrees. Let \(V\) be the volume of space that the octahedron, including its interior, traces out in this process. Then \(V\) can be written in the form \(\left(\frac{a\sqrt{b} + c}{d} \right)\pi\) where \(b\) is not divisible by the square of any prime, and \(\gcd(a,c,d) = 1\). Find \(a + b + c + d\).

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