(;) Semicolon Math

Octahedron Rotation (ID: 21)

Problem status: not solved

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An octahedron has vertices at \((\pm 1, 0,0)\), \((0, \pm 1, 0)\), and \((0,0 \pm 1)\). The notation \((\pm 1, 0, 0)\) represents both points \((1,0,0)\) and \((-1,0,0)\). It is rotated about the line \(x = y = z\) by \(120\) degrees. Let \(V\) be the volume of space that the octahedron, including its interior, traces out in this process. Then \(V\) can be written in the form \(\left(\frac{a\sqrt{b} + c}{d} \right)\pi\) where \(b\) is not divisible by the square of any prime, and \(\gcd(a,c,d) = 1\). Find \(a + b + c + d\).

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